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One of the principal reasons why people dont attain their goals is that they lack the motivation to either take off orkeep going when the going gets tough. The good news is thatyou can use many different methods to motivate yourself topush toward actualizing your goals. Soaring Higher: 5 Ways toFind Motivation and Take Off is an inspirational journal andworkbook that includes strategies to finding your purpose,setting goals and clear intentions, self-esteem, and self-confidence building, understanding your motivations, andself-love and self-improvement. The goal of this book is toencourage you to discover the special thing inside of you andkeep flying high. After reading the relatable stories,implementing the best practices, reading the affirmations,and answering the self-reflection questions, you will soartoward the life you desire.

Soaring Higher| 5 ways to Find Motivation and Take Off

SKU: 364215376135191
  • This is a motivational/inspirational journal to encourage and motivate everyone to gain a new alititude to soar to the life they desire. There are great stories, affirmation pages and self reflection questions based on each chapter. 

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